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What Should I Do If I Have A Traumatic Brain Injury From A Car Accident? | CZ Law


What Should I Do If I Have A Traumatic Brain Injury From A Car Accident?

Not surprisingly, one of the most common causes of traumatic brain injuries is from car accidents. Of course it may be easy to recognize any notable wounds to the head or body, but it’s important to remember that traumatic brain injury (and other injuries) are not always visible at first. If you have been in a car accident, of course you should seek the appropriate medical care, and pay very close attention to your body and behavior, nothing anything irregular. Even the most seemingly minor injuries can cause traumatic brain injury. The impact of brain injuries are striking, and can cause life altering and debilitating changes, so being proactive after an accident and injury is of the utmost importance. Those facing traumatic brain injuries must not only seek medical treatment immediately after the accident, but possibly on an ongoing, long-term basis.

According to Mayo Clinic, traumatic brain injury can have wide-ranging physical and psychological effects. Some signs or symptoms may appear immediately after the traumatic event, while others may appear days or weeks later. For this reason, those facing traumatic brain injuries must not only seek medical treatment immediately after the accident, but possibly on an ongoing, long-term basis.

Pay Attention To Your Symptoms

There are so many possible symptoms that can occur as the result of an accident, but there are particular symptoms to be aware of any symptoms, and that goes for current and symptoms that might develop over time. Some key symptoms to keep in mind are loss of consciousness, confusion, headache, nausea or vomiting, fatigue or drowsiness, problems with speech, changes in sleep or in mood, dizziness, slurred speech or sensory problems such as blurred vision or ringing in the ears. Other symptoms may include loss of coordination or balance, problems with memory or concentration, seizures, agitation, and any other distinct change in mood and behavior. Always report any unusual symptoms to your physician and follow your medical plan for medical treatment.

One more thing to keep in mind is that symptoms in children may be more difficult to determine, as communication could be a barrier. Keep a close eye on any irregular behavior or demeanor, and of course always seek medical care if you suspect there could be something wrong.

With traumatic brain injury, there are is a change in the biochemical and physiological responses in the body; the body’s overall functioning changes due to tissue damage and cellular damage. What’s unique about brain injury and damage is that the brain does not heal itself in the same way the rest of our body does, say, a broken arm. It takes time for healing, and in fact the extent to which one can heal may be severely compromised. With such an invasive injury, recovery can be a long and enduring process. This should all be taken into consideration when dealing with an accident, traumatic brain injury, and its effects — and especially with compensation for this.

Determine Any Automotive Defect

It is possible that in the case of an automobile accident, that there was a defect from the automobile itself. This can occur due to manufacturing errors, and unfortunately, a pre-existing defect could have been the cause of your automobile accident. If you suspect there to have been any defect with your automobile, be sure to make a report to the manufacturer, as well as local authorities, and consult with legal counsel regarding filing a personal injury lawsuit.

Filing A Personal Injury Lawsuit

If you have been the victim of a traumatic brain injury that occured due to a car accident, you will most likely need ongoing medical treatment, and compensation for the damage caused by the accident. Whether there was a defect from your automobile, or the accident was caused by another party, this negligence or recklessness is unacceptable when it comes to enduring the consequences of a traumatic brain injury.

Under the law, there is a certain amount of time that can pass to file a lawsuit after an accident, which might give you sufficient time to consider your options, but this this varies state to state. In order to make sure that you have reasonable time and are filing a lawsuit within that time frame as is appropriate for your case, it’s essential to speak with an attorney about the logistics. Knowledgeable and experienced legal counsel can provide the correct information for you regarding how and when to file your lawsuit.

What Can I Expect Regarding Compensation?

As you would imagine, the compensation from a lawsuit for a personal injury case is unique. The most common types of compensation that can be expected from insurance companies for your personal injury case are: medical bills for your injuries (this might include diagnostic testing, labs, imaging, doctor’s visits, surgeries, prescription costs, or rehabilitation); loss of income (lost wages due to the accident and traumatic brain injury); property damages (perhaps to your vehicle); and pain and suffering that have been inflicted on your lifestyle.

To achieve the best compensation possible, keep clear documentation of your medical procedures, any therapy and rehabilitation, both current and future, and any and all medical expenses. Documenting any emotional distress and psychological impact would be particularly noteworthy in the case of a traumatic brain injury, too.

How A Lawyer Can Help You

A competent attorney can help you to navigate the burdensome task of a severe personal injury. It’s enough that you have to undergo the injury itself and likely long term medical treatment needed. Let an experienced attorney be the one to manage the insurance company and case so you can focus on your healing.